This Monthly Community Newspaper is produced by and for local people.
Copies of the paper can be purchased for £1 from Fourbears Books, Prospect Street, NoodStores in Church Street, Sheabutter Cottage, Henley Road, The Milestone Café in Caversham Park Village and the True Food Co-op in Emmer Green.
Subscriptions: £5.00 a year, to receive a printed copy delivered within the area. Postal subscriptions are £16. Contact for details.
Postal address: Church House, 59 Church Street, Caversham, RG4 8AX
Answerphone: 0118 328 2754
For contributions and correspondence email:
We write a regular Caversham Bridge Newspaper column, "Building our community", on local planning issues and transport, and we have also written the following articles.
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