Caversham Images

25 February 2024

We use photos, pictures and maps of Caversham on the web site, to help us tell a story. If you have interesting images you would like to share, please email them with a description to:

Here is a selection of images we have that you might enjoy:

Caversham Library







The Thames looking upstream from Caversham Bridge (Provided by Haslams Surveyors)



Christchurch Bridge


Church St from Church Rd towards Priory Ave, early 1900's







New Reading Ward Boundaries Confirmed from 2022

25 February 2022

It is now confirmed that the proposed ward boundary changes for Reading have become law and will come into force at the local elections in 2022. As a result all Caversham wards will have three councillors. This CADRA News Item provides a useful summary. More information about the process and the associated papers are at:

In May 2022, there will be elections for all 48 council seats, across all the 16 new wards. In subsequent years, as now, a third of the seats will be up for election. For each ward, which councillors are required to seek re-election in 2023 and 2024 will depend on the votes they got in 2022. Those with the least being up for election first, in 2023, and those with the next lowest votes will have to seek re-election in 2024. Those getting the most will serve the full four years. 

Proposed New Reading Parliamentary Constituency Boundaries

25 February 2022

You may have read about proposed changes to the Parliamentary Constituency boundaries, which are now subject to a public consultation. This link shows a map of the proposed new Reading constituency: Proposed New Parliamentary Constituency Boundaries. Details about the review and how to comment are at: Boundary Commision for England 2023 Review

Wards & Councillors

Following the 5 May 2022 local these are the councillors elected to each the four Council Wards:

Caversham - Click for Map 
Jan Gavin
Jacopo Lanzoni
Matt Yeo
Caversham Heights - Click for Map 

Sam Juthani
Isobel Ballsdon
Jenny McGrother

Emmer Green - Click for Map
Stephen James Goss
Clarence Mitchell
Daya Pal Singh

Thames - Click for Map

Ama Asare
Adele Barnett-Ward
Richard Edward Davies

Councillors are elected for four years. Every year an election is held for one seat in each ward, except in the fourth year, when there is no election. Because all councillors we elected in 2022, in 2024 the last councillor named for each ward will have to seek re-election. Other councillors will serve the four year term.

List of Reading councillors by ward.

Find your councillors by Post Code

Find the Lead Councillors

The Ordance Survey's Election Boundaries Maps can provide detail with street names and individual buildings. NB: These maps have yet to be updated for the new Reading Wards.

The dates of forthcoming Reading Borough Council committee meetings are available through this link. Just before a meeting the details of the agenda and the papers are also on their website.

Reading Borough Council

Reading Services Guide (Covering: carers support, family, youth, a community directory, disabled children and young people's register. Includes services not just provided by RBC)

Air Quality 


Current Councillors

Cycling Routes in Reading

Fix My Street - Information on and reporting street lighting, graffiti, fly tipping, broken paving slabs

Love Clean Reading

Local Council for Our Area

Following a question at the CADRA AGM on 12 May 2015 about the possibility of a Local Council for the North Reading area, we agreed to make further information available.

The first step in the process would be to petition Reading Borough Council to carry out a Community Governance Review (CGR). This requires signatures from 7.5% of the population within the defined area. Guidance is available at:

DCLG Guidance on Community Governance Reviews can be found at.

The update on the criteria for a petition can be found at