Current Planning Applications

10 July 2024

Latest Planning Summary

CADRA maintains a summary of the significant local planning applications and appeals which is updated each month. Each application listed provides a direct link the RBC website where plans can be seen and comments sent on line.  Links to the Planning Inspectorate show progress on appeals. Applications in South Oxfordshire  which are significant and close to the border with Reading are also listed.

CADRA Survey

13 June 2024

CADRA is looking to the future and keen to focus on what matters most to our members and the local community. We would really appreciate a few minutes of your time to complete a survey and to give us your thoughts and suggestions.

Please help us to cover a good cross section across Caversham and Emmer Green and share this link: CADRA Survey

Nine new houses proposed near Lyfield Court & The Conifers off Kidmore End Road

23 May 2024

Many of the residents of these places are elderly and infirm. Building nine new houses on the site of The Brindles (application 240403) significantly increases the traffic passing along the narrow access road to existing homes, and would be a threat to current residents safety and an amenity loss. CADRA has strongly objected to the proposals,  as have many residents.

CADRA 2024 AGM & Open Meeting Monday 20 May

15 May 2024

The CADRA AGM and Open Meeting will be on Monday 20 May in the Caversham Baptist Church, starting at 7.30. After the brief formal business and a roundup  of the year, we welcome two speakers from the Reading  Climate Action Network.

Tracey Rawling Church is co-chair of the Reading Climate Change Partnership which is steering Reading’s response to the climate emergency in pursuit of its goal of net zero by 2030. She is also the low-carbon lead on the Berkshire Local Enterprise Partnership and a trustee of the Reading Business Community Partnership which connects the business and community sectors for mutual benefit. In 2014 she received the award of Sustainability Executive of the Year.

Tricia Marcouse  is Theme Lead for the nature and green spaces component of the Reading Climate Action Plan. After a career as an Environmental Engineer in various countries around the world, she is now Chair of Econet and President of the Reading and District Natural History Society. She is known to many, both for local practical environmental projects and as a regular contributor to Caversham Bridge.

After presentations on the work of Climate Action Network and the many practical opportunities, Tracey and Tricia will take questions. It promises to be a fascinating evening on a critically important issue for us all.

CADRA Spring 2024 Newsletter

29 March 2024

We are delighted to bring you the Spring Newsletter with details of the AGM and Open Meeting on Monday 20 May at 7.30 in Caversham Baptist Church, 1 Prospect Street.

Page 1 gives more detail about our two speakers on Our Response to Climate Change. We are very grateful to the Reading Climate Change Partnership for putting forward two excellent speakers, with a wide range of experience between them.

Pages 2 and 3 give a roundup of news over the past six months, along with some recent updates.

Page 4 gives the usual information about CADRA, followed by the AGM agenda and nomination process for the Committee. Please note agenda item 6 regarding the constitution, as explained in the Constitution Change Letter.

We are fortunate to have a strong team but to safeguard the association for the future, we need more help on the Committee and behind the scenes. New ideas and new skills are always welcome. Please get in touch if you might be able to help in some way.

The open meeting covers a subject important to us all. Everyone is welcome and it's a good opportunity to join up or renew your membership

Local Events Websites

19 March 2024

These are local organisations that provide a list of some forthcoming events. It is by no means comprehensive, but they are local and have a genuine interest in the local cummunity.

The new What's On in Reading website replaces the existing Reading Arts and Venues.  The big difference is that groups other than RBC related are able to add their events to the programme (after some training).

Reading Borough Council - Things to do 

Choose Caversham - Events 

South Oxfordshire District Council - Events 


There are also other organsisations which we think mught be of interest to our members:

Concerts in Caversham regularly put on "high quality concerts brought to you by some of the most talented musicians in the country".

Reading Walks Festival 11-19 May

19 March 2024

The programme for the Walks Festival from the 11 - 19 May has been published at What's On Reading, where you can book. There are 40 different walks to suit a range of interests. Some are already fully booked.

Thames Valley Flood Scheme February 24 Update

8 March 2024

The Environment Agency has issued their February 2024 Update for the scheme and a useful What is the Thames Valley Flood Scheme? video.

RBC Traffic Management Measures Lists

5 March 2024

RBC's Traffic Management Sub-Committee considers traffic measure requests from Councillors, such as pedestrian crossings, traffic calming. The following documents are the requests for the North Reading area:

New Requests

Amendments to Existing Measures 

Principal List - All requests carried forward from previous meeting.

Caversham Images

25 February 2024

We use photos, pictures and maps of Caversham on the web site, to help us tell a story. If you have interesting images you would like to share, please email them with a description to:

Here is a selection of images we have that you might enjoy:

Caversham Library







The Thames looking upstream from Caversham Bridge (Provided by Haslams Surveyors)



Christchurch Bridge


Church St from Church Rd towards Priory Ave, early 1900's







Clayfield Copse

16 February 2024

Clayfield Copse is a delightful small wood on the northern edge of Caversham Park Village. The Friends of Clayfield Copse have produced a self-guided walk through the copse, to help you identify the Trees Along the Ride.  

2024 Spring Events

Reading Local Plan Partial Update Consultation

24 January 2024

A consultation has opened on the Partial Update of the Reading Local Plan with a closing date of 31 January 2024. Comments are invited either by email or by responding to the online questionnaire.

CADRA's Response to the proposed updates.

To help identify areas of particular interest, CADRA has produced a summary of the issues, so you can pick those which concern you most.

In addition to policy changes, the Council asked developers to propose new sites. These include the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Reading Bridge House and Norman Place. Details are in Appendix II.

Although the formal document is long, it is easy to navigate, and we encourage you to take part in this important process which involves far reaching decisions.

Air Quality Action Plan

15 January 2024

The Council's public consultation into their Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP) ended on  17 January 2024, and CADRA Responded to it. The AQAP sets out how RBC intends to improve air quality in Reading.

RBC Local Transport Strategy 2040

13 December 2023

CADRA has responded to Reading Borough Council's Transport Strategy 2040. The public Consultation remian open until the 11 December 23.

New Local Bus Services

12 December 2023

Red Rose Travel have recently started services between Reading and Watlington, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. The 122  goes via the Peppard Road and Sonning Common. The 123 goes via Kidmore End, Gallowstree Common, Checkendon and Stoke Row.

On Sundays, the River Rapids X40 service makes extra journeys between Reading and Caversham Heights as the 40C. These operate via St Peter’s Hill and serve Highmoor Road Church.