21 November 2024
These are license applications CADRA has commented on:
Alto Lounge 30-32A Church Street
1314488 - Spill Bar Ltd at 29 Church Street
123738 - 2022 Aug - Winter Wonderland Hills Meadow
120728 - 2021 Oct - Winter Wonderland Hills Meadow Car Park Objection
CADRA monitors local licensing applications and it comments on those which have a significance to our area. Reading Borough Council's Licensing Section provides us with weekly lists of pending applications.
Reading Borough Council Licensing Committee consists of three Councillors, who make decisions on the applications put before them. They are advised by the legal officer. If any party is not satisfied then appeal may be made to the Magistrates Court.
Objections to applications need to be made within 28 days of the date on the Council's list. Minor variation are only 10 days.
The committee meetings are open to the public and anyone who wishes has the right to speak, providing they give notice.
The Council may impose conditions on granting the licence. Should any of these be broken any member of the public is now entitled to bring this to the Licensing Authority's attention and it is possible that the licensed premises will lose its license.
The Council considers application based on their Licensing Policy.
Representation regarding applications may be made in writing or be email. Written comments, whether they are in support or objecting to an application should be addressed to:
RBC Licensing Section, Reading Borough Council, Civic Offices, Bridge Street, Reading, RG1 2LU
Their email address is: licensing@reading.gov.uk
Guidance on the Licensing Act is available from Reading Borough council at Licensing Section
The address is Castle Street, Reading, RG1 7TQ. Further information is at Reading Magistrates Court
Reading Borough Council don’t give street trading consent for anyone to trade in the town centre. When an opportunity becomes available it will be advertised. For more see Street Trading and Touting. Some background to this folllows:
On the 10th June 2013, after a consultation, Reading Borough Council passed a resolution adopting the provisions of the Reading Borough Council Act 2013; this gives the Council extra authority to deal with illegal street trading and touting.
The Council has passed two resolutions which have:
The "Designated Area 2" and the "Touting Area" both extend out to parts of Lower Caversham e.g. Christchurch Meadows, Hill's Meadow and over Caversham Bridge, up Prospect Street; this legislation should reduce ticket touting for the Reading Festival in this area.